Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year - New Roses!

With the forecast of a strong El Nino (our winter rains) on the horizon at the end of last year, I felt hope, that despite our four year drought, I will be able to continue to grow beautiful roses in 2016 as well and decided to order four precious new ones.

The new rose babies arrived yesterday and their arrival coincided with the fourth day of consecutive torrential rains here in San Diego. I consider that a good omen!

I ordered the own-root roses from Chamblee's Rose Nursery, which is located in Tyler, Texas. I did buy roses from this nursery before and got exceptional nice and healthy roses, so I was curious about the quality of the roses they would sent this time.

As you can see they were very well packed...

...and each of the two gallon containers were wrapped in its own plastic bag, which kept them moist.

All four roses survived the shipping well and are in excellent condition. They are a little smaller than my first delivery from this nursery, but that is OK.

In case you are curious, which varieties I have ordered, here are the names:

'Love Song', a lavender Floribunda. 
'Koko Loko', a milk chocolate, lavender Floribunda.
'Gruss an Aachen', a peach/yellow older Floribunda, bred in Germany,1909.
'Souvenir de la Malmaison', the famous light pink Bourbon rose.

I can't wait to see these babies grow and flower for the first time. I am especially anxious about 'Love Song' and 'Gruss an Aachen', since I have never seen these roses bloom in person. Aaah.., the joyful excitement of growing new rose varities is hard to beat.

Did you get/are you getting any new roses for 2016? And if so, which varieties did/will you choose?

Wishing everyone a nice weekend! 

See you in the garden!



  1. Perfect timing Christina. I hope they do well for you in all the rain!

  2. Muchas felicidades por esas nuevas rosas y deseando que florezcan. Un beso.

  3. Replies
    1. Damon Daniel, welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting!

  4. Yes, we need to buy every year some new roses. You have a lovely selection, 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' is a favourite of mine, which is I think excellent for your garden. She likes warmth and hates rain on her flowers. I also ordered some new roses, they came in yesterday and I have planted them already. I'm behind in blogging at the moment but next blog I'll mention my roses.

    1. Janneke, I have also heard that 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' does well in warm climates, so I have high hopes for this particular rose.
      Can't wait to see and read what new roses you have bought! I am impressed that you planted them already. Mine will stay in their containers for a little while as they are fairly small plants and when they are ready I will plant them in five gallon containers first before they will go into the ground.

  5. I look forward to seeing your new lavender blooms. I had 'Gruss an Aachen' years ago.

    I've been looking at roses but haven't bought any yet. :-)

    I've been thinking about you with all of the rain and flooding, mudslides, etc. that CA is getting. Glad you are just getting rain.

    Have a lovely Sunday and a great upcoming week ~ FlowerLady

  6. Hi Christina: I look forward to your coverage of your new roses on your blog. I probably won't be adding new roses because I have a very shady yard. I do have one spot, however, where I have an invasive shrub I'd like to remove and add a start from one of my existing roses there. It's so wonderful to think about the new growing season now. :)

  7. OOO! Me 4 months to wait until may, when it will be warm and you can plant roses. I want to see what will bloom your roses!

  8. I have no plans to buy any roses this year but never say never!
    Looking forward to seeing these beauties thrive in your garden Christina. Ordering roses at this time of the year here means we are supplied with bare root roses. Is that something you get over there?

    1. Angie, oooaah, no new roses this year? I hope you change your mind, since roses seems to do so well in your garden and they were flowering so lovely last year.
      To answer your question: Here in the US you can order both roses delivered in containers or as bare roots. Bare root roses are mostly grafted on some rootstock and roses delivered in containers mostly grow on their own roots. I prefer the own-root roses, since I feel that roses grafted on Dr. Huey, which is mostly used here as a rootstock are more prone to powdery mildew.

  9. je suis ravie de lire que dans cette livraison figure le beau Bourbon Souvenir de la Malmaison. Cette variété choisie en grimpant a mis du temps pour s'installer dans mon jardin mais ses roses sont d'une beauté majestueuse et le parfum embaume les alentours. Les fleurs de ce rosier n'aiment pas trop la pluie mais je suis ravie de lire que votre jardin a été enfin bien arrosé.
    Belle soirée...jocelyne

  10. Best wishes for your new roses! I have been thinking about 'Souvenir de la Malmaison', as it is reported to do well here in the Deep South. I would grow more rose, but sunny places are limited. And our humidity is so high that many roses struggle. Nevertheless, I love them and surely I can find room for one or two (or three) more!

  11. I'll be interested to hear how these roses do for you, Christina. I'm especially interested in 'Gruss an Aachen', which I've admired before. As I recall, it's said to be capable of handling a little shade (not that shade is any longer the significant problem it was for me in my old garden). 'Koko Loko' sounds pretty interesting too!

    1. Kris, I will definitively be reporting how these roses will fare in my garden. It is odd that I don't recall seeing 'Gruss an Aachen' ever before in person, since it is not really a rare rose, but I have seen photos, oh my... It would be perfect if this rose could handle a little shade, because I intend to plant it into the front yard, where it will not receive full sun all the time.

  12. Your rose plants looks so healthy. I have never lucky with my plant packages. Hope your plants will grow so well.

  13. Exciting new haul Christina! Happy New Year!

  14. Dear Christina:
    This is very interesting and I am going to check them out. I am hoping to have better success with roses once we move to Missouri this year. Thanks so much for sharing your information.

  15. Isn't January wonderful?! New seed catalogs and plants arriving. Enjoy your new roses!

    1. Snap, a warm welcome to my blog! Thanks for your visit and leaving a comment!

  16. Dear Christina:
    I am answering your question about the cup. If you look at the first photo, I have 3 that match that Chocolate Pot - Bavarian and antique. I bought it at an antique mall!

  17. From the roses you bought I only know gruss an achen. It is a very fragant rose and you will love it! I also have planten some extra roses. Can not waait to see them flowering. Groetjes Hetty

  18. Christina:I think I did a bad job of explaining. If you look at the photo that cup and saucer which are for hot chocolate match the chocolate pot and they are antique and from Bavaria - German.

  19. That is an exciting order! I used to have a rose garden and I loved every minute of it. Finding new roses was always really thrilling. I wish you the best with your new babies and your garden this year. I hope like you the rains were a good omen.

  20. Liebe Christina,
    die Malmaison hab ich auch :-)
    Bin gespannt wie sich sich in eurem Klima so macht.
    Liebe Grüße Urte
