This month I didn't do many new plantings in the White Garden Bed, since I was very busy working in other parts of the garden. In general at this time of the year maintenance already occupies the biggest chunk of my garden time (gosh, how I wish I had more of that!), so planting new plants takes a back seat.
Nonetheless I planted six more white flowering dianthus 'Floral Lace White'. Besides that I cut back one layer of fronds on the left cycad and weeded the bed thoroughly. Other than that I just enjoyed seeing the plants grow and bloom.
To support my white gray/silver color scheme in this bed I placed a white terracotta sphere, that I previously had positioned elsewhere in the garden. I also put two new silver garden glass balls on wooden dowel rods and stuck them into 'Moonstone', the Hybrid Tea rose that takes center stage in this bed, to add a little bit more interest. I bought the silver garden balls, they are called Rosenkugeln (rose balls) in German, together with my mother when I was visiting her in Germany last year and, because of the memories that are attached to them, they are very special to me.
Here is the second view that I always show in my End of the Month View post. I am quite happy with the way this part of the bed looks in comparison to last month. There is still more soil to see than I would like to, but I am working on that. By the way, alstroemeria Princess Lilies 'Claire', the plant in front of the left cycad, blooms profusely since two months now! It has given me so much joy already and I am so very happy that I purchased it in the first place!
Close-up of an agapanthus flower. you can see if I get a little closer. The flowers of this rose are huge and they have a good form.
Here I caught one bloom of 'Auckland Metro' with the camera that came close to perfection!
I leave you with one more shot from a different angle of my White Garden Bed.
Hope you enjoyed this entry. Please do pop over to Helen from the Patient Gardener's Weblog, who kindly hosts this great End of the Month View meme and take a peek at what other gardens look like by the end of May.
I would like to finish by extending a warm welcome to all my new followers. I am so glad you found me in the vast world of the internet and decided to visit me regularly!
See you in the garden!
Nonetheless I planted six more white flowering dianthus 'Floral Lace White'. Besides that I cut back one layer of fronds on the left cycad and weeded the bed thoroughly. Other than that I just enjoyed seeing the plants grow and bloom.
To support my white gray/silver color scheme in this bed I placed a white terracotta sphere, that I previously had positioned elsewhere in the garden. I also put two new silver garden glass balls on wooden dowel rods and stuck them into 'Moonstone', the Hybrid Tea rose that takes center stage in this bed, to add a little bit more interest. I bought the silver garden balls, they are called Rosenkugeln (rose balls) in German, together with my mother when I was visiting her in Germany last year and, because of the memories that are attached to them, they are very special to me.
May 2015
April 2015
If you compare the photo from May to the one from April the White Garden Bed has filled out nicely, especially in the center. The teeny-tiny dianthus plants in the middle in the front of the bed have grown quite a bit. 'Moonstone', the rose in the center of the bed, which I had to defoliate last month because of a severe infestation with rose rust, has leaved out again.
Here is a closer look at the middle section of the bed.
To my own surprise after deleaving 'Moonstone', the new foliage came back completely healthy and the rose has now set plenty of buds.
I am really in love with these glass balls. They have an interesting finish which reminds me a bit of glass Christmas ornaments and it might be the same technique in which they are produced. They echo the silver gazing ball that is positioned on a white column more to the left of the bed.
May 2015
April 2015
Here is the second view that I always show in my End of the Month View post. I am quite happy with the way this part of the bed looks in comparison to last month. There is still more soil to see than I would like to, but I am working on that. By the way, alstroemeria Princess Lilies 'Claire', the plant in front of the left cycad, blooms profusely since two months now! It has given me so much joy already and I am so very happy that I purchased it in the first place!
Zooming in a little closer...
This picture shows the white terracotta sphere a little better. It has a nice ornamental surface, but could use a new coat of paint. One more item to put on the garden to-do-list. The plant next to it to the right is geranium 'Biokovo', which has really bulked up in the last couple of months.
I am a little bit concerned about the cycad. It has made a new layer of fronds, but they seem to be smaller in terms of the length and size than usual and so far they don't unfold properly. Hopefully that will still happen.
May 2015
April 2015
The third regular view of the month shows the whole bed seen from the left side over to the right. To the very left a white flowering agapanthus (sorry, don't know the name of the variety anymore) is just starting to bloom. The yellow leaves that you can see behind the white column with the silver gazing ball belong to amaryllis belladonna 'Fred Meyer Whites'. It is normal for this plant that the foliage completely dries up before summer, but of course it doesn't look that great in the moment. In an ideal world all four roses ('Pope John Paul II', 'Chandos Beauty', 'Moonstone', 'Auckland Metro') would bloom right now, but, oh well...
Here is the white agapanthus getting ready to bloom. It has a good amount of flower stalks this year and it should be spectacular when all the blooms are open.
The rose that is blooming profusely right now is 'Auckland Metro'. Her foliage was also somewhat affected by rose rust and I had to pluck a few infected leaves, but overall the bush still looks decent...
Here I caught one bloom of 'Auckland Metro' with the camera that came close to perfection!
I leave you with one more shot from a different angle of my White Garden Bed.
Hope you enjoyed this entry. Please do pop over to Helen from the Patient Gardener's Weblog, who kindly hosts this great End of the Month View meme and take a peek at what other gardens look like by the end of May.
I would like to finish by extending a warm welcome to all my new followers. I am so glad you found me in the vast world of the internet and decided to visit me regularly!
See you in the garden!