Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Skylar, the Doberman: The Big Shake

All dogs love to shake their body from time to time, especially when they are wet to get the water out of their coat. Skylar, our red Doberman Pinscher, is no exception. My husband recorded one of his shakes after Skylar had played in the water at the beach. There is a lot going on! Please click on the video to see it in slow motion.

Hope you enjoyed watching the video as much as Skylar seems to enjoy his shake!

Wherever you are I hope that the winter is not too hard on you. Here in Southern California we are having a heat wave caused by Santa Ana winds and temperatures are supposed to rise up to 89 degrees Fahrenheit/32 degrees Celsius today! Really unbelievable even for San Diego!


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  1. That was neat to see in slow motion.

    Your temps are unbelievable for this time of year. It is 57 degrees F here in s.e. FL. Gray and windy too.

    Have a nice Valentine's week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Beautiful slow movements of the body! And the tail is funny :)))

  3. Liebe Christina,

    das ist eine tolle Aufnahme von Skylar und kommt erst durch die Zeitlupe so richtig zur Geltung.
    Diese Hitze ist doch wirklich unglaublich und ich denke es wird bei euch auch immer schwieriger den Garten grün zu halten.
    Bei uns ist der richtige Winter mehr oder weniger schon vorbei bzw. bis auf ein paar Tage ausgefallen. Im Gebirge geht es gerade so mit dem Schnee, aber zu viel ist es fast nirgends.

    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Ingrid, I was surprised what you can see in slow motion that completely gets unnoticed when you watch Skylar shaking of the water droplets in real time. That was one reason why I posted this video.
      Regarding our heat wave: I just checked the weather forecast and it is supposed to continue until next Wednesday! I don't know what will happen with my garden in the future, but I am definitely more than concerned that I am not able to keep it going. I had so high hopes when they predicted a strong El Nino this winter, but so far the weather has been rather disappointing to say the least.

  4. I especially liked that tail action, Christina! I'm glad that Skylar seems to have overcome his water phobia. If current conditions are any indication, it's going to be one tough summer!

  5. Cette vidéo est magnifique. Nous voyons bien le chien qui a apprécié son bain. C'est une merveille et l'on distingue bien les gouttes sur son poil luisant. Il doit faire aussi beaucoup de marches, son corps est superbement musclé.
    Belle soirée...jocelyne

  6. He is graceful even in a shake! Cute tail wiggle at the end. We had temps in the 60's for a couple of days here in Washington State. All the birds were singing and I got a head start on some garden clean up. This El Nino is giving us a nice, mild winter here on the west coast, but confusing the plants and wildlife! xx Karen

  7. Wow, that is so warm--even for San Diego, right? What fun to watch Skylar shake off the water, and the cute reaction of the other dog! Tee hee.

    1. Beth, yes, that is warm, not to say hot, even for our mild winter climate. The heatwave is still continuing. For tomorrow they predict 89 degrees Fahrenheit/32 degrees Celsius! I seem to be behind with all garden chores, since it looks like we have jumped from winter into summer and skipped the spring.

  8. I wish I were in San Diego. I love San Diego and I love warm weather. Lucky you! Skylar is beautiful - the water shaking off film is absolutely lovely.

  9. I knew someone who used to practice water retrieving with her Golden Retriever but got tired of the dog shaking water off onto her. She tried to train the dog not to do it but was unsuccessful. lol Great video!

  10. We have more snow and ice but spring will be here soon so it's all ok. Watching my dogs play in the snow is fun but they would like being at the beach with Skylar even more.

  11. Dear Christina:
    Such sweet doges! And such wonderful weather you have! So glad you shared!

  12. Liebe Christina,
    das ist cool so mit slow motion :-) Toll!
    Und so schöne Tiere!
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße
    sendet dir die Urte :-)

  13. I love Dobies! He shakes a great shake.

  14. I am shaking with laughter! Skylar looks like he is dancing. I have experience doggie shakes before but never had the opportunity to see one is slow-mo!

    1. Deb, glad my video, actually my husband has recorded it, made you laugh! I was definitively surprised myself, what you can see in slow motion, what you normally totally miss. It is a great way to help perceive the world in a more accurate matter.
