Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Tour Through my Garden on a Very Hot Day

Sorry for not blogging for two weeks. My life went on overdrive again and there was simply no time to do it.

We are having a heatwave here in San Diego right now, with temperatures raising up to 98 F/37 C and it is very unpleasant to be outside. I can't take the heat very well and there is no way for me to garden in this weather except to do the absolutely necessary maintenance chores like deadheading and spot watering very early in the morning.

Nonetheless, today I managed to record another Periscope video, touring part of my backyard and showing two vases with roses from the garden. Skylar, our Doberman, had an unexpected guest appearance in there as well. Please have a look:

Hope you enjoyed the video and wishing everyone a nice weekend.

See you in the garden!



  1. Your roses are doing surprisingly well in this heat, Christina, especially given our water restrictions. By comparison, mine are sad and flowers are virtually non-existent. The shrub roses in partial shade seem to do nominally better but then our temperature reached 103F today. Skylar is a cutie - he just wants to be part of the action!

  2. Esta precioso el jardín, las rosas muy lindas. Besitos.

  3. Hallo liebe Christina,

    ich finde Deine neue Art zu bloggen - also per Video - sehr interessant und auch sehr aufschlussreich. Ein schöner Überblick über Deinen Garten.
    Skylar ist schon so groß geworden und ganz entzückend.

    Ich hoffe Eure Hitzewelle geht bald dem Ende zu und auch ihr findet wieder Abkühlung und bekommt Regen.

    Liebe Grüße,

  4. Great idea Christina, making videos of your garden with your own comment. ´The Prince´ in the vase is beautiful, obviously this rose likes the heat because I tried it twice in my garden and both times the rose died after about a year. For me ´Pierre de Ronsard´ is better, this rose is growing and flowering like mad.
    So nice to see Skylar stepping on your beloved plants.......haha, I think he was wondering to whom you were talking.
    Wish for you some cool and rainy days!

  5. How nice to see your beautiful garden !!

  6. Hello Christina, thanks for the tour – Skylar stole the show but your roses are so beautiful. I had problems with my roses becoming crisped in the heat and sun too last month, but this month we have more comfortable temperatures around 23-25 degrees. I would love to add some of your lovely roses to my collection (once I have planted everything I already have!)
    Have a good week in the garden :-)

  7. It's good to see what is doing well Christina and a shame you lost the rose you featured at the end of the video. The others though are coping very well. I like the pony foot plant. It is a new one on my and I google imaged and wow! it makes some impressive ground cover. How clever to think that the Campanula would do well there and great to see you were right. I think good ground cover will benefit the other plants in so much as to preserve moisture. I am amazed too that the Heuchera is coping with the conditions too. I found over here that the green ones don't do well in the sun.
    Have a good week and stay indoors for respite from the heat.

    1. Angie, I am still quite excited that I stumbled by coincidence over Dichondra sericea, 'Silver Ponyfoot' at a local nursery. If it turns out to be as good in my garden as the photos of it on the internet it will make an extraordinary pretty ground cover plant and it is supposed to be drought tolerant. I have to admit that very often I don't like the look of drought tolerant plants but this one I am really in love with!

  8. Malgré la chaleur intense, tes roses ma chère Christina ont conservé de bien belles allures.Les roses ont de la ressource pour braver des conditions climatiques extrêmes et nous prouver qu'elles savant rester belles m^me quand la jardinière ne peut aller dehors pour les admirer. Je compatis pour 37° degrés, nous avons connu des températures équivalentes pendant un mois, ce qui éprouve l'organisme des humains. Je suis ravie de découvrir toutes les beautés en beauté dans ton jardin.
    Belle soirée Jocelyne

  9. I hope some cooler days will come. I am surprised to see your roses are beautifully flowering. I have been on holiday in Italy ( same temperature) but the roses were not looking so good. Groetjes,

  10. Hi Christina, I enjoyed the tour. Skylar wants to be a star! The combination of the Prince rose and the Mystic Spires salvia is quite lovely. I am impressed that your white garden looks great, despite the heat. I hope you will be enjoying a cool-down soon! This week we are predicted to have daytime temps in the mid 80's with night temps dropping into the upper 50s, which will be considerably cooler than we have been having. We are hoping for lower humidity as well, but predictions are for a range of 60% to 100% humidity, so things are still going to feel moist.
