Friday, November 29, 2013

November Roses

This November has been a surprisingly good month for my roses. I believe it is mostly due to the unusual warm and sunny weather for this time of the year that we were having. Almost all the roses that were flowering in October continued to do so and even a few more decided to produce some blooms. Here are a couple photos from this month. Hope you enjoy!

It always seems that there is one rose that truly stands out each month in my garden. This time is was 'Pope John Paul II'.

It is one of the very best roses in my whole garden, if it is not the best.

 The flowers are beautiful at any stage of their life.

They are huge and sumptuous.

The form of this rose is amazing. 

'Pope John Paul II' flowers in abundance and the fragrance is exceptionally strong and pleasant. I simply can't get enough of this rose. It is so bad, I may need to get a second one.

'Belinda's Dream' also did very well in November.

These lovely blooms belong to 'The Prince'. 

The Tea Rose 'Rhodologue Jules Gravereux', photographed as an opening bud...

... and then in full glory.

As usual the 'Iceberg' roses were doing very well and flowering profusely.

I certainly like their cheerful faces. 

'Moonstone' continued to produce wonderful blooms as it did in October. 

It provided the flowers for the bouquet that graced our Thanksgiving table.

'Vi's Violet' opened a new small flush of its little blooms. In the background of the Miniature Rose is a white flowering zonal geranium. I like the combination quite a bit.

Hope everyone who celebrated it had a nice Thanksgiving! My husband and I had a lovely day with some gardening done in the morning and a homemade gourmet dinner later at night. Instead of turkey we decided to go for a duck. It was incredible good!

See you in the garden!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! One of the things that I am thankful for is warm weather rose gardeners who share their beautiful roses ... while mine are frozen and waiting for spring. It's 20 degrees outside as I write this. Brrrr.

  2. Ach, das ist ja so gemein ;-)))
    Wir frieren uns hier was ab und die Rosen in meinem Garten
    sind nun fast alle verblüht und ihr habt noch ein richtiges Rosenparadies!
    Wunderschöne Bilder! Ich kann mich gerade nicht sattsehen :-)
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße
    sendet dir Urte

  3. Hardwood Roses, thanks, the weather in California certainly is a blessing that makes garden miracles happen even in winter! 20 degrees F that is really cold, today the weather forecast predicts for us 73 degrees F (23 C) highest temperatures and 44 F (7 C) lowest.

    Urte, it is a joy for me to know that my photos bring you pleasure. Of course, I still remember the cold long winters in Germany - not so much fun. Hope you can stay warm and cozy inside!


  4. Lovely roses, thank You very much, have a nice day, Christina!

  5. Liebe Christina,

    wunderschöne Rosenfotos hast Du uns gezeigt.
    Ich liebe Rosen - morgen am 1. Advent werde ich die letzten Blüten die diese Woche bei den ersten Minusgraden erfroren sind, abschneiden.
    Mit Kompost aufgehäufelt und Reisig abgeckt sind sie schon und dann - wenn meine geliebte Advents- und Weihnachtszeit vorbei ist, hoffe ich, dass unsere kalten und schneereichen Wintermonate auch bald vorbei sind und meine Rosen wieder schön austreiben.

    Liebe Grüße aus Österreich sendet Dir

  6. Christina your roses are so gorgeous and wonderful surprise for this snow covered gardener.

  7. It is amazing to have such beautiful roses in November. Well, actually it's almost December! We have had a very mild fall here as well, but I believe we will have our first frost on Wed if the predictions are true. I need to get the tender plants moved or covered soon!

  8. A Happy Thanksgiving to you as well friend! How can I even pick a favorite! I went from one photo to the next thinking I want each and every single one of those roses in my garden! WOW!!! A beautiful sight for this Chicagoan!!!

  9. Anne-Marie, thanks for your kind comment!

    Ingrid, thanks, it is sad when the frost takes the last roses, isn't it? I intend to go out tomorrow as well and start pruning the roses. Sounds like you took good care of your roses already. I am wishing you that they get well through the winter and have a great come back in spring!

    Donna, thank you, snow is something that is unknown to where I live. Only the tips of the close mountains get some snow in some years. It is always worth a headline in the local newspaper ;-)!

    Dorothy, the majority of the photos is from the middle of this month. By now the roses have slowed down quite a bit, except a very few and most of them are ready to be pruned back. I have to check the weather forecast, but I don't think that we will get frost.

    Gardener on Sherlock Street, thanks for your nice comment!

    Nicole, I feel very flattered that you are longing to have my roses in your garden! I have never been in Chicago yet, but I assume the winters can be quite harsh. A beautiful winter definitively has its pros, but I personally do much better in a milder climate.


  10. Late Autumn roses are often the very best, and yours certainly live up to that idea!

  11. Lyn, we usually get the best autumn roses in October, but this year for some reason it was different in my garden. My November roses beat the October ones ;-)! I am curious to see how December will go...


  12. What a wonderful floral extravaganza Christina! An absolute delight to see!

  13. C'est avec plaisir que je découvre tes roses en fleurs pour ce mois de novembre. Elles sont toutes ravissantes, des variétés que je ne connaissais pas pour certaines. La remontée du rosier Iceberg est aussi flatteuse que la production florale du mois de juin. En France nous avons eu aussi de la douceur et de l'humidité qui ont permis aux rosiers d'évoluer en donnant des roses mais pas aussi abondantes que chez toi.
    Je te souhaite une belle soirée

  14. Dear Christina,
    here I have 2 to 4 centigrades (during the day, freezing during nights) and I used the "warm day" to earth up some sensitive roses, to empty my water drums and some other final works before the real winter comes.
    'Sir Joseph Paxton' survived the - 7 degrees and promised to open some buds until christmas. He suffered, but still looking nice - not as nice as your November roses....., but he's really the last....
    Einen schönen 1. Adventabend!

  15. Mark and Gaz, thank you very much for your comment!

    Jocelyne, thanks, I also love to discover new rose varieties in your garden! Somehow roses from French Rose breeders do well in my neck of the woods, my favorite being 'Pierre de Ronsard'.

    Rudolf, it is amazing to me the 'Sir Joseph Paxton' survives the frost and is even able to still open some buds. I hope you post some photos of him. I really would love to see that exceptional rose.


  16. Your roses look wonderful, especially the white ones. I don't know why, but I never had success with "Belinda's Dream". I'm not giving up though and will try again one day.

  17. Phillip, thank you so much! My 'Belinda's Dream' is still in a container, but is doing very well so far. As far as I recall she has been completely disease free and is very floriferous. I hope to get her in the ground soon and see what she will do when she can stretch her legs. I have read that 'Belinda's Dream' does best in dry and warm climates. Maybe your climate is too humid? Anyway good luck with your next trial!


  18. A amizade nos faz ver o mundo com olhos novos.
    Amo apreciar suas lindasimagens!
    Uma doce semana.
    Beijos Marie.

  19. All roses are beautiful of course but the white against the blue sky stunning.

  20. Barbara, thanks, I never get tired of any combination of blue and white :-)!

